Simple Tense|Simple Present Tense|Present Indefinite Tense |Structure of present tense|Active Voice


I also have uploaded a blog about the types and aspects of tenses. If you can not read this blog, then first read it for a better understanding of tenses. In this blog we shall learn about simple tense or present indefinite tense briefly with exact examples. The study of  tenses is not a difficult work. If you really want to learn about tenses, then this platform helps you and very suitable to you for learning grammar and tenses. Study of tenses is a game of verb changing. If you play it very well, then it's not difficult for you. So, let's start the game!

What is simple tense?

Present tense refers to the grammatical tense used to describe actions, events, or situations that are currently happening or are generally true. It is used to indicate the present time. For example, in the sentence "I eat breakfast every morning," "eat" is in the present tense because it describes an action that is happening regularly in the present.

Structure of simple tense

Simple tense express the action or event that is happened or happening in present. So simple tense based on simple structure.

Subject______________+ first form of verb____________+Object

  Sajjad _______________+writes______________________+a letter

 They__________________+write_______________________+a letter

We can use "s" or "es" for singular person such as he, she, it, and singular name like Sajjad, Ahmad, John etc.  In English, we add "s" or "es" to verbs in simple tense to indicate third-person singular. This helps distinguish between different subjects and their corresponding verb forms.

Aspects of simple tense:

Every tense based on four types of aspects these are as:




4-Perfect Continuous

I can explain it one by one it's structure, it's verb from and other related elements that are being used in these aspects like helping verb. I also explain that how the verb (base form of verb) chage his form in each and every aspects.

Simple Indefinite Tense

The present indefinite tense, also known as the simple present tense, is used to describe actions that are regular, habitual, or facts that are generally true. Present tense used to express an action that is happen right now. It is formed by using the base form of the verb for all persons, except for the third person singular, where we add "s" or "es" to the verb.


Subject________first form of verb_______object


Singular persons or things

He eats an apple.

She drinks water.

Sajjad writes a letter.

Plural persons or things

They play cricket.

I write a letter.

We play cricket.

So, it was a, remembering point that for each and every aspect of the simple tense based on first form of the verb. As well as the each and every tense has four aspects,  same like this every aspect has two subcategories.

i- Negative


Simple present tense also has two categories.

i- Negative

Negetive category used to describe the action is not happening in the present. The present negative tense is a grammatical construction used to express actions or states that are not happening in the present. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "do" (in the present tense) + "not" + the base form of the main verb.


Subject________+do/does not______+base form of verb_________object

John___________does not__________eat_______________________bnana.

  We____________do not____________eat_______________________bnanas.

ii- Interrogative

The present interrogative tense is used to form questions in the present time. It usually involves adding the auxiliary verb "do" or "does" before the base form of the main verb for most subjects.


Do/ does----------+subject ---------+base form of verb-------------+object



Simple Continuous Tense:

The simple Continuous tense used to express an action that is happening is present time not completed.The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the present moment or are currently in progress.

Structure of Continuous aspect

If we takl about the structure of Continuous tense then we use "is ,am, are" as helping verbs followed by "ing" form.

Subject ___+is/am/are____+ing______+ object


They ______are_________playing______the piano.


Now the question is whether the present tense focuses on the first form of the verb, then where is the first from of the verb in these mentioned examples and structure. It's a very interesting discussion. The answer to the above-mentioned question is that there are two aspects that work together. The first is "present" and the second is "continuous". So, present demands the first form of verb and continuous demands the "ing" form of verb. To fulfil the requirements of both aspects, we use "is, am, are" as a helping verb followed by the "ing" form. "Is, am, are" are the first forms of the word "be".

See the example:

Ahmad write writing letter.

If we use the first form of every verb rather than the "ing" form, it looks wrong and the sentence exhibits double action. That's why I borrowed the first form of the verb from "be" and completed the sense of Continuous.

Ahmad is writing a letter.

i- Negative 

We used the negative continuous tense to describe that the action is not happening.


Subject_______+is/am/are not____+ing____+object

Rick _________is not____________sleeping____on bed.

They _________are not__________ working______properly


The present continuous tense is also used to asking a question that the action is in progress or not.




Is ___________Sajjad__________writing_______a letter

Present Perfect tense:

The Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about actions or events that started in the past and continue into the present or have just been completed.

Structure of simple perfect tense 

Perfect idicates that the action that is happening is past; it demands the past participle form of the verb, and because it's an aspect of the present tense, that's why we use "has" or "have" to express that the action is happening in the present.


Subject ____+has/have____+ 3rd form of verb____+ object

Sajjad______has___________played_____________the piano.

They_______have__________eaten ____________the breakfast.

I- Negative

Negative used to indicates the action has not occurred up until the present moment.


Subject ______+has/have not___+3rd form____+ object

John _________has not ________played________the cricket well.

They__________have not_______eaten ________breakfast yet.


The present perfect interrogative tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" followed by the past participle of the main verb. It is used to ask questions about actions that started in the past and have relevance to the present. For example: "Have you finished your homework?" or "Have they arrived yet?"


Has/have________ subject ________3rd form_______object

  Have_________________you_________finished________your homework.

Has___________she_____________cook__________the meat.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

The present perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action or event that started in the past, is still ongoing in the present, and is expected to continue into the future. It's a combination of all the above-mentioned aspects. The question is how it is formed.

It's formed by using the auxiliary verbs "have" or "has" for the requirements of the present, followed by "been" to fulfill the requirements of the perfect aspect, and then by using "ing" for Continuous sense.


Subject ______+has/have been______+ing____________+object______+time

Sajjad_____has been__________writing________aletter____sincemorning.

They_____have been_______playing _______a cricket ____for two days.

"Since" also used to describe the specific time for example 8 o clock, and "for" is used to describe the common situation.


It is used to express an ongoing action that started in the past, continued up to the present, and is still not completed.


Subject _____has/have not been_____ing form_____object_____time

I ________have not been_______studying______for my exams______lately


It is used to ask questions about actions that started in the past, continued up to the present, and may still be ongoing.The Present Perfect Continuous interrogative tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" followed by the subject, then "been" and the present participle (base verb + -ing).


Has/have ________subject_______been________ing form____ object


Have you been studying English?

Has she been working on that project?

Have they been playing soccer?

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